My venue

It has been a year today since I had my own place in the Newcastle area and started adapting it for sessions.

Quite coincidentally, I have celebrated the anniversary today with the person who was the first to use the place year back. We had a lovely and intense session!



I like how the place changed in a year and what it became to be.



From bare walls and not much but a spanking bench and handfull of implements to a fully equipped play space with:

  • A school corner
  • A domestic corner
  • Various furnitures/hooks to restrain you in many different positions
  • An adjusted whipping bench/torture chair and its multiple restraint points
  • Big (and constantly expanding) collection of toys


But more importaly it became a place from where I can do what I have passion for – make CP and BDSM fantasies come true for you.

I’m sure I could happily settle down in any other place and with your help create the same, if not better, atmoshpere but for now let’s enjoy what we have!



School gown

I have also recently acquired a school gown for a more authentic sessions.


I look forward to all the school and governess sessions to put the gown, as well as my canes, to a very good use.

Look like detention time…

school-gown-1 school-gown-2


The gown will be kept in Newcastle but I have access to a very similar one in London that I have been using recently as well.

Finished school room!

The schoolroom is nearly finished. More photos (of the school corner and of other available features and equipment) on my Gallery Page.

There is a big map of the world, for when it’s time for a test.


There is a blackboard for writing line, when the notebook is not enough.


And there is also few other little items that make it feel more authentic. I will be adding other bits and pieces as and when I find something interesting.

I look forward to making a good use out of the school corner in a wide variety of school related sessions.

  • Class, school and punishment detentions
  • Punishments from a head girl, teacher or the headmistress
  • And more

Fixing up the schoolroom!

Although I only have one room in my North East venue it is big enough to arrange a themed corner.

I have separated one corner area for a schoolroom to give it a better look.

I have just bought a blackboard and will be adding few more authentic items like maps, books etc. to allow for more authentic school sessions.

I will post photos once it’s all sorted out!

In the meantime of course the space is still useable for sessions and punishment of all the naughty boys that so far escaped the punishment!