Site refurbishment

Over the last few days I have made a few small (and some not so small) changes to my website.


I’ve so far:


I like to think my website is quite comprehensive providing you with all sort of information necessary to successfully book and enjoy a session with me but different people require different advice.

Anything you wish you could find on my website? Any particular information or advice missing? (my rates for sessions, same as for majority of other mistresses, are not included on purpose) Is so, feel free to send me an email to and let me know!



Bamboo canes


Every CP enthusiast knows that genuine canes, at least as far as British fetish is concerned, are rattan – be that either Dragon cane (rattan soaked in oil) or normal rattan.

But what about other type of canes?

I have recently had some people enquiring about lighter and easier to take varieties such as bamboo canes (empty inside so it stands to reason they would be lighter and most likely easier to take). The primary purpose for these canes is gardening, but I’m sure together we can give them a much more interesting life!


The bamboo canes do feel lighter than standard rattan canes, but they are less flexible so sadly the lovely swishing noise is greatly reduced.


I know that those of you who have fetish for authenticity or harsher punishment will not see the appeal of bamboo canes – no worries I’m still very well equipped with traditional canes – but I think they might be an interesting solution for those who find real canes too much or look for a gentler introduction to caning. Hopefully, they will work well as a reasonably authentic substitute in such cases.

They are also seem quite good for bastinado and punishments of other, more sensitive, body parts like thighs, where rattan canes sometimes prove too sharp.

There are different thicknesses available, ranging from about 6mm to 9mm.

Now…who do I try them on?




The somewhat harsh light in my Newcastle place has been bothering me from the beginning but I wasnt quite sure what I wanted. Until recently.

I have decided on less harsh, white light (not on photos) and found some rather interesting dark orange/red ones.


I will probably be picking up another one of those soon so that the soft light can be coming from more than one direction. And I’m really looking forward to seeing if that will help with relaxation therapy session and other similar.



New toys

Apologies for the long silence.

Life has been busy in so many different ways that I wouldn’t even know where to start.

Among other things I have acquired (slightly modified and refreshed in few cases) a number of new toys.



And interesting selection, of quite old (and well used except for the strap that’s possibly still virgin) 2 tawses, a strap, a 4 tailed whip and a 2 tailed something I’m not quite sure of the name yet.




The strap is quite a nice junior punishment implement. Tawses, however, leave quite a impressive impact. A perfect punishment devices when a real punishment is needed.



6 strokes (as a reword of course) to the person that can tell me what the hell this thing is called correctly. I heard the word lash but I’m not convinced. Whip could apply but it is not precise enough. Suggestions?


whips-4And the last, but not least, is a 4 tailed whip. The tails have arrived soaked in leather friendly oil so are very heavy and certainly not to be used for minor infractions.

I can imagine those toys to be of great use for a variety of sessions and punishments, school detentions, judicial punishments, chastisement by your Mistress and so much more…

So…All I need now are volunteers to try them out for me :)


PS. I will be keeping those toys in my Newcastle place, but is someone in London would like to become acquianted with them – let me know before I leave for London and I will do my best to accommodate.




My venue

It has been a year today since I had my own place in the Newcastle area and started adapting it for sessions.

Quite coincidentally, I have celebrated the anniversary today with the person who was the first to use the place year back. We had a lovely and intense session!



I like how the place changed in a year and what it became to be.



From bare walls and not much but a spanking bench and handfull of implements to a fully equipped play space with:

  • A school corner
  • A domestic corner
  • Various furnitures/hooks to restrain you in many different positions
  • An adjusted whipping bench/torture chair and its multiple restraint points
  • Big (and constantly expanding) collection of toys


But more importaly it became a place from where I can do what I have passion for – make CP and BDSM fantasies come true for you.

I’m sure I could happily settle down in any other place and with your help create the same, if not better, atmoshpere but for now let’s enjoy what we have!



Finished school room!

The schoolroom is nearly finished. More photos (of the school corner and of other available features and equipment) on my Gallery Page.

There is a big map of the world, for when it’s time for a test.


There is a blackboard for writing line, when the notebook is not enough.


And there is also few other little items that make it feel more authentic. I will be adding other bits and pieces as and when I find something interesting.

I look forward to making a good use out of the school corner in a wide variety of school related sessions.

  • Class, school and punishment detentions
  • Punishments from a head girl, teacher or the headmistress
  • And more

Gallery and photos

I have re-arranged the gallery page today. I have separated the gallery page into Mistress Gallery, Newcastle Venue Gallery and London Venue Gallery for easier browsing – all accessible from the Main Gallery Page. Hope its easier to navigate now and also, for those with slower connections, should load faster now when its divided.

Also added few photos for more variety (more in Mistress Gallery):


Newcastle venue – photos

Few photos of the my new premises in North East added (click to enlarge).


My bench has been safely moved and set up. The kneeling stool can be disattached and the bench turned into a sort of vaulting horse for school punishments.



Nearly all of my impact toys hanging nicely and ready to be used.



I also have new a set of floggers waitng to be used. Anyone wishing to be the firs to play test them? A wide range of sensation from a gentle to quite a sting!



Also few newly adapted straps for those liking heavier play.
