Schoolroom photos

A few recent photos.

Sadly, they are far from best (odd colour balance and quite grainy), but I realised these are the only photos I have taken at my Newcastle venue so like them anyway!

I might have to take more photos at my place…if I could only figure out how to turn that artificial light into something more photogenic!








New dragon cane


Although I already have a selection of a few well trusted canes I found myself looking for something a bit thicker than my crooked handed dragon cane.

The effect of the search is this:


As you can see from the photo below it is not only slightly thicker but also couple of inches longer.


It is not significantly more severe that my old and trusted dragon cane but those who felt said it feels slightly different.

Although it has been put to some use already the new cane is still very much in need of being properly broken in! Any takers?