North East – bad news and delays


Unfortunately there will be delays in me being able to resume offering sessions in North East.

The owner of the new place had a few little job he wanted to do in the place to freshen it up after previous occupants moved out. During those works they discovered some damage to the roof/wall in one of the corners.

The extend of the damage is unknown at this stage so the owner can’t get a quote and move on with the repairs. I have been told that depending on the extend of the damage it is possible that they may not be able to fix the place up straight away. I will possibly be looking for a new place.

I’ve been ressured they will have more definite answer for me within the next couple of weeks. I will update then.


Please don’t send me email asking when you can book a session. Obviously, right now I will not be taking any bookings. If I have any other information I will be posting it here.